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Registry Easy 5.6 Full Serial

Post kali ini kita main di System Registry dimana sofware ini dapat mgengoptimalkan komputer atau laptop agan sekalian dapat berjalan secara optimal dan lancar. ok langsung ke TKP. Registry Easy™ Key Features and Benefits: Windows Installer Errors ActiveX Errors ActiveX Control problems Windows Startup Errors Windows Explorer Errors Windows Media player Errors l sass.exe , svchost.exe &other exe Errors Windows Operating System Problems Registry Errors DLL Errors Runtime Errors IExplore and System32 Errors System Crashes Slow PC Performance Chkdsk Issues Computer Freezing Internet Explorer Errors Javascript Errors Dr Watson Errors Hardware Malfunction Blue Screen Vista, XP, 2000, 98 and ME Issues Scan Disk Driver Errors Corrupt Registry Files Task Manager related Computer & Application Shutdown RegistryEasy™ detects the most registry problems Cleans registry, fixes errors, and optimizes your PC for better performance Prevent application crashes ...

Firefox 10.0 Versi CCPB

 Firefox 10.0 Versi CCPB Bukan Firefox resmi, tapi Firefox modifikasi. Sudah termasuk Add-on, plugin, tweak. Dijamin firefox anda jadi ngacirrrr…” Itulah yang dikatakan oleh seseorang yang memodif firefox ini. Pengalaman saya setelah mencoba dengan versi sebelumnya (3.5.7) memang ada perbedaan saat browsing, jadi lebih cepat. Dan sekarang versi nya disesuaikan dengan versi firefox terbaru yaitu 3.6. Berikut detail add-ons dan plugin yang terdapat pada firefox modifan ini. * Adblock Plus 1.1.2 (Adblock Plus allow you to decide what you don’t want to see on the web) * Adblock Plus : Element Hiding Helper 1.0.6 (Helps you to create element hiding rules for Adblock Plus) * Greasemonkey 0.8.20091209.4 (User script manager for Firefox) + Kaskus De-Obfuscator * KasKusMenu 2.8.17 * Xmarks 3.4.3 (Online Bookmark Sync) * Stylish 1.0.7 (Restyle the web with stylish) * Flashgot (Download Manager) * Downthemall!! 1.1.7 (Download Manager) * Foxy Proxy 2.14 (Proxy man...